Help Homeless Babies: Donate Baby Clothes!

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Go To Crew Request: Wednesday, Sept. 20

Today, Circle of Hope sent out a "Go-To Crew" request for baby clothes in sizes 6-24 months. We are low on baby clothing and need donations to give to the babies living in our partner shelters - particularly our newest partner, Pearl Street Shelter in Framingham. If you have gently-used baby clothing for boys or girls in sizes 6-24 months, or if you are able to purchase new clothes, please donate them to Circle of Hope during our drop-off hours as soon as possible! Our drop-off hours are as follows:

Mon. 9-11 a.m. | Tue. 9-11 a.m. & 3-5 p.m. | Wed. 9-11 a.m. & 3-5 p.m. | Thu. 9-11 a.m. | Sat. 9-11 a.m.

To learn more about our Go-To Crew, click here.