Important Donation and Volunteer Updates!


Starting Feb. 24, Circle of Hope will be open for donation drop-offs on the last Saturday of the month from 10am - 12pm! We hope to add additional Saturdays in the future.


We are eliminating the 3-bag limit on gently used donations; donors are now welcome to drop off more than 3 bags of clothing at a time. Please continue bagging and labeling your new and gently used donations separately. We also ask that you use smaller-sized bags, such as brown paper grocery bags or unscented kitchen-sized trash bags, so all of our volunteers and staff can lift them safely.


We are recruiting new volunteers for the following roles:

  • Greeter(s): 10am - 12pm on the last Saturday of every month. Greeters are stationed at the front desk of Circle of Hope and are primarily responsible for welcoming donors, answering questions, helping bring donations inside, and providing donation receipts.

  • 1-2 Sorters: 10am - 12pm on Thursday mornings. Responsibilities may include sorting and packaging clothing and hygiene items, packing orders for shelter deliveries, and organizing and shelving donations.

  • 2-3 new Drivers: 1-2 shelter deliveries per month. Volunteer Drivers are responsible for delivering donated goods to our partner shelters and programs, primarily located in Boston, Cambridge, and Framingham, using their personal vehicles or (optionally) the COH van.

To learn more about these opportunities and apply to become a volunteer, please visit our website.


Starting Thursday, March 7, we will begin offering one-time volunteer opportunities at Circle of Hope's donation center. Individuals and groups may sign up for a one-time volunteer shift at Circle of Hope on the first Thursday of every month from 3-5 pm. There will be 8 slots available per shift and slots are first come, first served. All volunteers must be age 12+ and anyone under 18 must be accompanied by an adult guardian. 

Thursday volunteers will help sort, bag, and organize donations, assemble donation kits, and assist with inventory and organization at our donation center.  

If you have questions about the volunteer shifts, please contact Christine Ruddy at